[R] [sem package] path.diagram() ignores the edge.label argument ..?

Martin Batholdy batholdy at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 9 13:34:54 CET 2009


I plot path diagrams with the path.diagram() function of the sem  
package in combination with the graphviz application.

Now I want the graphviz code for a path-plot with the actual  
standardized coefficients on the arrows (not the names).
I tried to add edge.labels="values" as an argument to path.diagram()  
but it's just ignored.

can anyone help me on that?


here is the actual code;

cov <-  

cov.matrix <- matrix(cov, 3, 3, dimnames=list(c("y1","x1","x2"),  

path.model <- specify.model()
   x1 -> y1,	x1-y1
   x2 <-> x1,	x2-x1
   x2 <-> x2,	x2-x2
   x1 <-> x1,	x1-x1
   y1 <-> y1,	y1-y1
  x2 -> y1,	x2-y1

  summary(sem(path.model, cov.matrix, N = 422))

  std.coef(sem(path.model, cov.matrix, N = 422))
  standardized.residuals(sem(path.model, cov.matrix, N = 422))

  path.diagram(sem(path.model, cov.matrix, N = 422), "test.dot",  
edge.labes="values", digits=2, ignore.double=FALSE)

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