[R] Bonacich Power (memory Error) (Igraph)

Sur Nathan surendar.swaminathan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 02:16:40 CET 2009


    I am trying to run Bonpower for my graph.I have posted the R objects
along with this file. There is a object called G(graph) that I created for
running bonpower.ummary information shows the number of Vertices and edges.

When I try to run Bonacich Power I get out of memory error.I did change the
memory setting as mentioned in this link ,but could not resolve the memory
problem also.

Error in get.adjacency.dense(graph, type = type, attr = attr, names = names, 
  At vector.pmt:408 : cannot reserve space for vector, Out of memory


  http://www.nabble.com/file/p22550931/ForHelp.RData ForHelp.RData 

Can someone help me with this problem.


Vertices: 20984 
Edges: 326033 
Directed: FALSE 
No graph attributes.
Vertex attributes: name.
No edge attributes.

Thank you,


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