[R] ggplot2-geom_text()

Felipe Carrillo mazatlanmexico at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 30 20:43:54 CEST 2009

Hi: I need help with geom_text().
 I would like to count the number of Locations
 and put the sum of it right above each bar.

x <- "Location Lake_dens Fish Pred
Lake1		1.132	1	0.115
Lake1		0.627	1	0.148
Lake1		1.324	1	0.104
Lake1		1.265	1	0.107
Lake2		1.074	0	0.096
Lake2		0.851	0	0.108
Lake2		1.098	0	0.095
Lake2		0.418	0	0.135
Lake2		1.256	1	0.088
Lake2		0.554	1	0.126
Lake2		1.247	1	0.088
Lake2		0.794	1	0.112
Lake2		0.181	0	0.152
Lake3		1.694	0	0.001
Lake3		1.018	0	0.001
Lake3		2.88	0	0"
DF <- read.table(textConnection(x), header = TRUE)
 p <- ggplot(DF,aes(x=Location)) + geom_bar()
 p + geom_text(aes(y=Location),label=sum(count)) # Error because count doesn't exist in dataset

 What should I use instead of 'count' to be able to sum the number
 of Locations?

Felipe D. Carrillo  
Supervisory Fishery Biologist  
Department of the Interior  
US Fish & Wildlife Service  
California, USA

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