[R] List assignment in a while loop and timing

Adrian Dragulescu adrian_d at eskimo.com
Tue Mar 31 19:28:00 CEST 2009


Here are some observations.  It seems to me that your question is about 
assignment into long lists. 
1) Initialize your list with a vector of NULLs.
2) If you can, try to use vectors rather then lists.  It's faster by more 
than 30%.
3) If you get rid of the i <- i+1, you go even faster.  See below.

N <- 1e7
h=vector("list", length=N)
i <- 1
   h[[i]] <- i
   i <- i+1
# for N=1e6
    user  system elapsed
    5.02    0.01    5.03
# for N=1e7
    user  system elapsed
   83.64    0.30   84.03

h=vector("numeric", length=N)
i <- 1
   h[[i]] <- i
   i <- i+1
# for N=1e6
    user  system elapsed
    3.39    0.00    3.39
# for N=1e7
    user  system elapsed
   34.28    0.04   34.40

h=vector("numeric", length=N)
for (i in seq_len(N))
   h[i] <- i
# for N=1e7
    user  system elapsed
   20.30    0.04   20.38


From: Saptarshi Guha <saptarshi.guha_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 11:24:55 -0400

Hello R users
I have question about the time involved in list assignment. Consider the 
following code snippet(see below). The first line creates a reader object,
which is the interface to 1MM key-value pairs (serialized R objects) 
spanning 50 files (a total of 50MB). rhsqstart initiates the reading and I 
loop, reading each key-value pair using rhsqnextKVR. If this returns NULL, 
we switch to the next file and if this returns null we break.

If I comment out line A1, it takes 39 seconds on a quad core intel with 
16GB ram running R-2.8
If I include the assignment A1 it takes ~85 seconds.

I have preassigned the list in line A0, so I'm guessing there is no 
resizing going on, so why does the time increase so much?

Thank you for your time.

rdr <- rhsqreader("~/tmp/pp",local=T,pattern="^p") rdr <- rhsqstart(rdr)
i <- 1;
h=as.list(rep(1,1e6)) ##A0
   value <-rhsqnextKVR(rdr) ##Returns a list of two elements K,V 
if(is.null(value)) {
     rdr <- rhsqnextpath(rdr)
     if(is.null(rdr)) break;
   h[[i]] <- value; ##A1
   i <- i+1

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