[R] Export kde object as shapefile

T.D.Rudolph prairie.picker at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 21:47:47 CET 2009

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 6:56 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net>

<The situation that I see (after looking at the documentation for adehabit)
is that for some as yet <unarticulated reason, you have decided that the
methods used in prior publications in your domain are <not the best and you
are going to invent new ones,

There is nothing particularly cutting edge about wanting to estimate home
range size from a utilization distribution - Worton (1987, 1989) applied
kernel methods to estimate the UD and specifically home range size over 20
years ago.  Based on the literature (Gitzen et al. 2006) and the spatial
distribution of my data, it is reasonable to conclude the plug-in method of
bandwidth selection is the best possible option. 

<but you are as yet unable to provided a detailed specification or offer an
implementation of the <methods. Furthermore, you are unable even to
manipulate the objects you have thus far created in <service toward this

I never said I was a programmer.  I simply asked if there was a way to
convert a kde object into a spatial object (e.g. SpatialPixels,
SpatialPolygons) for export into a GIS.  Or, alternatively, to generate the
2-D spatial area underneath the 3-D utilisation distribution of a kde
<I am being somewhat harsh in my assessment because it seems that you really
need is a statistical <collaborator with whom you can bang ideas together
and arrive, first at a more detailed rationale and <plan, and then a forward
effort using your data and his programming expertise to demonstrate the
<superiority of your method. That would seem to be most reasonably a joint
effort with joint authorship <as an outcome.
Perhaps you are speculating beyond what is warranted under the
circumstances.  I'm sure this is well-intentioned, but perhaps it is not as
appropriate as you would have wished.

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Export-kde-object-as-shapefile-tp26532782p26545381.html
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