[R] Convergence problem with zeroinfl() and hurdle() when interaction term added

Sarah Valencia sarah.r.valencia at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 06:48:20 CET 2009


I have a data frame with 1425 observations, 539 of which are zeros. I
am trying to fit the following ZINB:

f3<-formula(Nbr_Abs~ Zone * Year + Source)
ZINB2<-zeroinfl(f3, dist="negbin", link= "logit", data=TheData,
offset=log(trans.area), trace=TRUE)

Zone is a factor with 4 levels, Year a factor with 27 levels, and
Source a factor with 3 levels. Nbr_Abs is counts of a species that
shows a high level of aggregation. These counts are offset by the area
searched per transect.

The trace output and error message are as follows:

Zero-inflated Count Model
count model: negbin with log link
zero-inflation model: binomial with logit link
dependent variable:
   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14
 539  125   72   41   33   35   35   31   15   22   22   11   13   16   13
 .... (truncated for brevity)...
 285  286  287  288  289  290  291  292  293  294 <NA>
   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0
generating starting values...done
calling optim() for ML estimation:
Error in optim(fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, par = c(start$count,
start$zero,  :
  non-finite value supplied by optim
In addition: Warning message:
In glm.fit(Z, as.integer(Y0), weights = weights, family =
binomial(link = linkstr)) :
  fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

I get the same optim error when I run a similar call using hurdle
instead of zeroinfl. However, both commands work fine when the
interaction terms is removed ( Nbr_Abs~ Zone + Year + Source). Is this
a case of some kind of linear relationship between my covariates? In
addition, I can run a negative binomial glm with the interaction term,
which I didn't think would be possible if that were the case.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Sarah Valencia, PhD student

Bren School of Environmental Science and Management

University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Lab: (805) 893-5054

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