[R] ggplot2: Histogram with negative values on x-axis doesn't work

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 04:36:27 CET 2009

> I can reproduce it with for example
> x=c(-9.23, -9.56, -1.40)
> But adding a single positive number, even .0000001, fixes it, while
> adding a similar negative number introduces a new error message, so it
> really looks like a bug in ggplot2 when all the values are negative.
> Report it to the ggplot2 author or the ggplot2 mailing list.

It'll be fixed in the next version.  It's not generally necessary to
repost from r-help to ggplot2, since I read anything that mentions
ggplot2 no matter where it is.



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