[R] DOE in R?

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta cgb at datanalytics.com
Sun Sep 6 14:57:36 CEST 2009


This is your starting point:


Best regards,

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta

On Thu, 2009-09-03 at 17:38 -0700, B_miner wrote:
> Hello!
> This is not a topic I am well versed in but required to become well versed
> in...I welcome any assistance!
> Using R, I want to create an optimal design for an experiment. I'll be
> analyzing the results with logistic regression or some generalized linear
> model. I am thinking that the algdesign package can help (but no idea where
> to start?).
> I'm presenting an example here that I have seen the answer to (in SAS) in
> order to make sure I would have gotten it *right*.
> There are 5 factors: 4 are quantitative with three levels each and 1 is
> qualitative with two levels.
> Factor and levels:
> Intro: 0, 1.99, 2.99
> Duration: 6, 9 ,12
> GOTO: 3.99, 4.99, 5.99
> Fee: 0, 15, 45
> Color: Red, White
> In order to screen these factors, I would want to get a design where I could
> evaluate all main effects, all first order interactions and the squared
> terms of Intro, Duration, GOTO and FEE (for example Intro*Intro).
> Looking for the D-optimal design.
> Is this something that  R can provide?
> These are, according to the SAS paper I read the following:
> Obs intro duration goto fee color
> 1 0.00 6 3.99 0 WHITE
> 2 0.00 6 3.99 45 RED
> 3 0.00 6 5.99 0 RED
> 4 0.00 6 5.99 45 WHITE
> 5 0.00 9 3.99 45 RED
> 6 0.00 9 4.99 15 WHITE
> 7 0.00 9 5.99 0 RED
> 8 0.00 12 3.99 0 RED
> 9 0.00 12 3.99 45 WHITE
> 10 0.00 12 5.99 0 WHITE
> 11 0.00 12 5.99 45 RED
> 12 0.00 12 5.99 45 WHITE
> 13 1.99 6 3.99 15 RED
> 14 1.99 6 4.99 45 WHITE
> 15 1.99 6 5.99 0 WHITE
> 16 1.99 9 5.99 45 RED
> 17 1.99 12 3.99 0 WHITE
> 18 1.99 12 5.99 15 RED
> 19 2.99 6 3.99 0 WHITE
> 20 2.99 6 3.99 45 WHITE
> 21 2.99 6 4.99 0 RED
> 22 2.99 6 5.99 15 WHITE
> 23 2.99 6 5.99 45 RED
> 24 2.99 9 3.99 0 RED
> 25 2.99 12 3.99 15 WHITE
> 26 2.99 12 3.99 45 RED
> 27 2.99 12 4.99 0 WHITE
> 28 2.99 12 4.99 45 RED
> 29 2.99 12 5.99 0 RED
> 30 2.99 12 5.99 45 WHITE

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