[R] Very basic question regarding plot.Design...

Petar Milin pmilin at ff.uns.ac.rs
Wed Sep 9 13:13:24 CEST 2009

Thank you very much for the help!
Now, I have an additional question regarding transcending from Design to 
rms: Before, it was possible to plot interaction, and get lines with
    plot(ols2, gender=NA, marital.status=NA, xlab='gender',
    ylab='anxiety', conf.int=FALSE)
Now, I am lost how to do that. If model is:
    ols2 <- ols(anxiety ~ marital.status * gender)
Then, I need:
    p2 <- Predict(ols2, marital.status=., gender=.)
And plot(p2) does not give me lines, but points with conf.int. Also, 
axes are transposed as to what old plot(ols2) would give.
In addition, if I try old function (plot(ols2), above), error message 
    Error in predictDesign(fit, adj, type = "x", non.slopes = non.slopes)
    could not find function "Varcov"


Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> Petar Milin wrote:
>> I would like to have a line on this plot, instead of two points:
>> x1 = rnorm(100, 10, 2.5)
>> x2 = rnorm(100, 26, 3.2)
>> x1 = as.data.frame(x1)
>> x2 = as.data.frame(x2)
>> colnames(x1) = 'anxiety'
>> colnames(x2) = 'anxiety'
>> x1$gender = 'male'
>> x2$gender = 'female'
>> dat = rbind(x1, x2)
>> require(Design)
>> attach(dat)
>> d=datadist(gender)
>> options(datadist="d")
>> ols1 <- ols(anxiety ~ gender, data=dat, x=T, y=T)
>> plot(ols1, gender=NA, xlab="gender", ylab="anxiety",
>> ylim=c(5,30), conf.int=FALSE)
>> detach(dat)
> Your code has many problems and inefficiencies in it.  Here are some 
> suggested fixes and the commands needed using the new rms package:
> require(rms)
> n <- 100
> anxiety <- c(rnorm(n, 10, 2.5), rnorm(n, 26, 3.2))
> gender  <- c(rep('male', n), rep('female',n))
> d <- datadist(gender); options(datadist='d')
> f <- ols(anxiety ~ gender)
> p <- Predict(f, gender=.)
> # For this case could also do p <- Predict(f); plot(p) would give a
> # vertical dot chart
> p           # print estimates
> plot(p)     # horizontal dot chart; preferred for categorical predictors
> # To take control using lines:
> with(p, plot(1:2, yhat, type='l', xlab='gender numeric'))
> Frank
>> Thanks!
>> PM
>> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>> Petar Milin wrote:
>>>> Hello ALL!
>>>> I have a problem to plot factor (lets say gender) as a line, or at 
>>>> least both line and point, from ols model:
>>>> ols1 <- ols(Y ~ gender, data=dat, x=T, y=T)
>>>> plot(ols1, gender=NA, xlab="gender", ylab="Y",
>>>> ylim=c(5,30), conf.int=FALSE)
>>>> If I convert gender into discrete numeric predictor, and use 
>>>> forceLines=TRUE, plot is not nice and true, since it shows values 
>>>> between 1 and 2.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> PM
>>> Petar,
>>> forceLines seems to be doing what it was intended to do.  I'm not 
>>> clear on why you need a line, though.  If you provide self-contained 
>>> code and data that replicate your problem I may be able to help more, 
>>> or you can try a new package I'm about to announce.
>>> Frank

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