[R] logistic regression in an incomplete dataset

Desmond D Campbell d.campbell at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Apr 5 00:44:05 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I want to do a logistic regression.
So far I've only found out how, in a dataset of complete cases.
I'd like to do logistic regression via max likelihood, using all the study
cases (complete and incomplete). Can you help?

I'm using glm() with family=binomial(logit).
If any covariate in a study case is missing then the study case is
dropped, i.e. it is doing a complete case analysis.
As a lot of study cases are being dropped, I'd rather it did maximum
likelihood and on all the study cases.
I tried setting glm()'s na.action to NULL, but then it complained about
NA's present in the study cases.


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