[R] Multilevel GEE (2 nested clusters)

Andreas Jensen bentrevisor at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 14:26:00 CEST 2010

Hi R-Help.

I am working on a data set with a 3-level nested structure. I have
individuals nested in households and multiple observations on each
individual. I assume that the individuals inside a given household are
correlated and that the individuals are correlated with themselves
over time. The data is not balanced.

I have computed a GLMM with logit link function and two random normal
distributed intercepts attributed to households and individuals. Now I
want to compare it with a population average (marginal) model using

I have looked at the geepack library but I'm unsure if it is possible
to use it in my case where I have the additional household clustering.
I am willing to assume an exchangable working correlation stucture
inside households, similarly for invidividuals over waves and
otherwise independence.

Can such a thing be done with the packages available?

Thanks in advance,
Andreas Jensen

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