[R] curve

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 15:37:09 CET 2010


Here's the complete console output. The graph produced is at:

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> ls()
> test<- rnorm(5000,1000,100)
> test1 <- subset(test, subset=(test > 1100))
> d <- density(test)
> png("curve.png")
> plot(d, main="Density of production", xlab="")
> xarea <- c(1100, d$x[d$x > 1100], c(max(test)))
> yarea <- c(0, d$y[d$x > 1100], 0)
> polygon(xarea, yarea, col="blue")
> curveheight <- d$y[abs((d$x - mean(test1))) == min(abs((d$x - mean(test1))))]
> segments(x0=mean(test1), y0=0, x1=mean(test1), y1=curveheight, col="red", lwd=2)
> dev.off()
null device


On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Val <valkremk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sara,
> Could you please send me your output as an attached file if it is possible?
> Thanks
>> >> 1. to shade or color (blue) the curve using the criterion that any
>> >> values
>> >> greater than 11,000
>> >
>> > I think I was not clear in the above point. I want shade not the line
>> > but
>> > the area under the curve,
>> Here's an example of how to do that using polygon:
>> http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=7
>> > and
>> > Your last line of code,
>> > segments(x0=mean(test1), y0=0, y1=curveheight)
>> >
>> > gave me the  following error message
>> >
>> > Error in segments(x0 = mean(test1), y0 = 0, y1 = curveheight) :
>> >  element 3 is empty;
>> >   the part of the args list of '.Internal' being evaluated was:
>> >   (x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)
>> >
>> > could you check it please
>> I checked it before I sent it to you. The code I provided works correctly
>> on my computer.  (R 2.12.0, Linux).
>> You could try this statement instead:
>> segments(x0 = mean(test1), y0 = 0, x1=mean(test1), y1 = curveheight)
>> Sarah
>> --

Sarah Goslee

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