[R] 300 dpi and eps:

Aldi Kraja aldi at wustl.edu
Tue Dec 14 20:30:44 CET 2010


I have a run of 5 graphs that I want to place them under the same page.
Everything works fine to place them in a pdf file , or eps file, but 
when it comes to have a high quality of
300 dpi these graphs are not good. For example I open the eps file with 
Adobe Illustrator (AI) and it shows that it is a 72dpi graph. If I start 
with a 72dpi graph AI cannot improve this to 300 dpi. Q: HOW CAN A GRAPH 
IN R DIRECTLY SAVED AS 300dpi? What options do I need to add to the 
postscript function to have a 1 page graph that has these 5 plots and is 
a 300 dpi graph? Thank you in advance, Aldi

Here is what I am using right now:
 > par(mfrow=c(5 ,1))
 > plot(sortord , X1 , cex=0.5 ,pch=21 , ylim=c(1.000002 , 8.08771 ), 
xlab='ST: 1-5 position (unit)',ylab='ylabel',font.lab = 1, cex.lab = 
1,cex.main=0.5 +0.4, col=chrom )
 > text(midpointsbyc+minadj+5,0-5,chnum ,cex=0.5 +0.2 ,col=chnum+1 )
 > abline(h = -1*log10(9.7e-08 ), lty = 2,col = 'gray' )
 > # Draw the legend
 > legend('topright',legend=c('X1'))
 > plot(sortord , X2....
 > # Put a box around the plot
 > box(lwd = 1)
 > dev.off()


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