[R] interpreting error estimate in SEM

Kathryn Barto kathryn_barto at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 9 12:22:39 CET 2010


I'm using the sem package, and I want to make sure I'm interpreting the output correctly. Here is an excerpt of my output. When I report the MWD error, should I say that 59% of the variation in MWD is not explained by the model, or that 59% of the variation is explained, or something entirely different.  

Parameter Estimates
                   Estimate  Std Error z value  Pr(>|z|)                                 
NplantRoots         0.462029   0.120803   3.82466 1.3095e-04   plantRoots <--- N             
CoError             1.000011 0.151850   6.58553 4.5325e-11 Co <--> Co                    
carbonateError      1.000009 0.156217   6.40142 1.5394e-10 carbonate   <--> carbonate      
MWDError            0.589788   0.092128   6.40185 1.5351e-10    MWD <--> MWD                  


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