[R] question about nlme...

Jeff Harring harring at umd.edu
Tue Feb 9 15:30:19 CET 2010

I am looking for R code to be able to fit a linear-linear piecewise 
model with person-specific changepoint. I have searched the web, but 
have not been able to locate any code.

Below is my attempt at some code:

chgpt = function(a1,a2,a3,gam,wave){
y1=(wave <= gam)*(a1+(a2*wave))
y2=(wave > gam)*((a1+(a2-a3)*gam)+a3*wave)

nl.dat <- nlme(y ~ chgpt(a1,a2,a3,gam,wave)~wave|id,
            data = ndat,
            fixed = a1 + a2 + a3 + gam,
            random = a1 + a2 + a3,
            start = c(a1=10,a2=5,a3=1,gam=4.5))

I would appreciate any advice on this code or guidance as to where to 
search for example code to fit this nonlinear mixed effects model.

Many thanks,
Jeff Harring

Jeffrey R. Harring, Assistant Professor
Department of Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation (EDMS)
1230 Benjamin Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1115

Phone: 	301.405.3630
Fax: 	301.314.9245
Email: 	harring at umd.edu
Web:  	http://www.education.umd.edu/EDMS/fac/Harring/webpage.html

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