[R] faster GLS code

Carlo Fezzi c.fezzi at uea.ac.uk
Thu Jan 7 18:10:29 CET 2010

Dear helpers,

I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized
least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of
the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody
would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger
code and needs to run several times).

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Carlo Fezzi
Senior Research Associate

Centre for Social and Economic Research
on the Global Environment (CSERGE),
School of Environmental Sciences,
University of East Anglia,
Norwich, NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom.
email: c.fezzi at uea.ac.uk

Here is an example with 3 equations and 2 exogenous variables:

----- start code ------

N <- 1000		# number of observations

## parameters ##

# eq. 1
b10 <- 7; b11 <- 2; b12 <- -1

# eq. 2
b20 <- 5; b21 <- -2; b22 <- 1

# eq.3
b30 <- 1; b31 <- 5; b32 <- 2

# exogenous variables

x1 <- runif(min=-10,max=10,N)
x2 <- runif(min=-5,max=5,N)

# residual covariance matrix
sigma <- matrix(c(2,1,0.7,1,1.5,0.5,0.7,0.5,2),3,3)

# residuals
r <- mvrnorm(N,mu=rep(0,3), Sigma=sigma)

# endogenous variables

y1 <- b10 + b11 * x1 + b12*x2 + r[,1]
y2 <- b20 + b21 * x1 + b22*x2 + r[,2]
y3 <- b30 + b31 * x1 + b32*x2 + r[,3]

y <- cbind(y1,y2,y3)		# matrix of endogenous
x <- cbind(1,x1, x2)		# matrix of exogenous


# build the big X matrix needed for GLS estimation:

X <- kronecker(diag(1,3),x)
Y <- c(y)		  # stack the y in a vector

# residual covariance matrix for each observation
covar <- kronecker(sigma,diag(1,N))

# GLS betas covariance matrix
inv.sigma <- solve(covar)
betav <- solve(t(X)%*%inv.sigma%*%X)

# GLS mean parameter estimates
betam <- betav%*%t(X)%*%inv.sigma%*%Y

----- end of code ----

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