[R] Computing Confidence Intervals for AUC in ROCR Package

Na'im R. Tyson ntyson at clovermail.net
Fri Jan 22 09:53:39 CET 2010

Dear R-philes,

I am plotting ROC curves for several cross-validation runs of a  
classifier (using the function below).  In addition to the average  
AUC, I am interested in obtaining a confidence interval for the  
average AUC.  Is there a straightforward way to do this via the ROCR  

plot_roc_curve <- function(roc.dat, plt.title) {
	pred <- prediction(roc.dat$predictions, roc.dat$labels)
	perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
	perf.auc <- performance(pred, "auc")
	perf.auc.areas <- slot(perf.auc, "y.values")
	curve.area <- mean(unlist(perf.auc.areas))
	#quartz(width=4, height=6)
	plot(perf, col="grey82", lty=3)
	mtext(sprintf("%s%1.4f", "Area under Curve = ", curve.area),
		side=3, line=0, cex=0.8)

P.S. After years of studying statistical analysis as a student, I  
still consider myself a novice.

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