[R] binary

Val valkremk at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 15:51:34 CET 2010

Hi all

Assume I have a data set xx;

Group: 1=group1  , 2=group2

IQ:  1= High, 0 =low

fit <- glm(IQ ~group, data = xx, family = binomial())



                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) -2.55456    0.210 -12.273  < 5e-16 ***

 group          0.36180      0.076   3.952     5.24e-05 ***

the odd ratio = exp(0.36180 )= 1.435912

My question is that the log-odd  estimate 0.3618  is it for group1 or group2?

What does the odd ratio 1.43359 is interpreted?

Thanks in advance

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