[R] R Output and ArcGIS

Steve Murray smurray444 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 26 10:42:25 CET 2010

Dear all,

Thanks for the replies so far.

Just to emphasise, I'm not using Excel in any way. I have many many files to output, so it'd take considerable time to export from R, reprocess in Excel, then load into Arc! On a PC I'm able to go directly from R to ArcMap (9.3) without having to go via Excel. I've simply been viewing the data in Notepad, which was fine for observing the removal of the end-of-line characters and general format of the data (3 columns).

My data are structured as follows:

> str(mrunoff)
'data.frame':    61538 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Latitude : chr  "5.75" "6.25" "6.75" "7.25" ...
 $ Longitude: Factor w/ 720 levels "0.25","0.75",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Runoff   : num  0.687 2.661 0 0 0 ...

I can't use col.names=NA, as I do have column names! These are also required by Arc as identifiers. Also, as you can see, there are no complications in the variable names which, as you rightly say, can cause problems in Arc.

If anyone has any further suggestions regarding how to overcome this problem of generating data from R on a Mac for input to ArcGIS on a PC, then I'd be very grateful to hear them.

Many thanks again,


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