[R] Using auto.key with two variable plots

Jonathan Greenberg greenberg at ucdavis.edu
Sat Jan 30 21:45:59 CET 2010


    Having a problem solving this.  I have an xyplot call that looks 
like this:

                        xlab="Action",ylab="Predicted Pop",

This is just a scatterplot with two response variables sharing the same 
predictor variable (temp_species_EAM_Pred_Pop$Action).  Right now, the 
key has the words "temp_species_EAM_Pred_Pop$x" and 
"temp_species_NULL_Pred_Pop$x" next to their symbols.  I would like to 
rename these in the key, say "EAM" and "NULL" -- using the group= 
command doesn't work (since these aren't really different groups).  What 
is the right way to rename these variables in the key?  Is using 
auto.key the right approach?




Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS)
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
The Barn, Room 250N
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 415-763-5476
AIM: jgrn307, MSN: jgrn307 at hotmail.com, Gchat: jgrn307

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