[R] Good Package(s) for String and URL processing?

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 12:50:19 CEST 2010

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Ralf B <ralf.bierig at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there packages that allow improved String and URL processing?
> E.g. extract parts of a URLs such as sub-domains, top-level domain,
> protocols (e.g. https, http, ftp), file type based on endings, check
> if a URL is valid or not, etc...

You are asking to match and extract by content rather than delimiter
and you can do that with the strapply function in the gsubfn package.
 Here is an example.  You can likely improve on the regular expression
but this gives the idea. In the first example of strapply we just
return the back references (the portions in parentheses) and in the
second we display the various parts labelled with their names.  To
remember the arguments note that just as apply is
object/modifier/function so is strapply; however, the modifier for
strapply is a pattern rather than an array margin.  In the first
example the function was just c and in the second example we used a
formula notation which strapply converts to a function.  In this case
it constructs the function
   function(...) cat("protocol:", ..1, "server:", ..3, "host:", ..4,
"domain:", ..5, "path:", ..7, "\n"))
which we could have used in place of the formula.

> library(gsubfn)
> myurl <- "http://abc.com/main/def.html"
> pat <- "^(\\w+)://((\\w+)[.])?(\\w+)[.](\\w+)(/(.*))$"
> strapply(myurl, pat, c, simplify = unlist)
[1] "http"           ""               ""               "abc"
[5] "com"            "/main/def.html" "main/def.html"
> junk <- strapply(myurl, pat, ~ cat("protocol:", ..1, "server:", ..3, "host:", ..4, "domain:", ..5, "path:", ..7, "\n"))
protocol: http server:  host: abc domain: com path: main/def.html

gsubfn and strapply in the gsubfn package support ordinary regular
expressions and perl regular expression as in R and also support tcl
regular expressions.

> I am currently only using split and paste. Are there better and more
> efficient ways to handle strings e.g. finding sub-strings or to do
> pattern matching?

Read the help pages of these commands:

 help.search(keyword = "character", package = "base")

> What packages do you use if you have to do a lot of String processing
> and you don't have the option to go to another language such as Perl
> or Python?

See the gsubfn home page at: http://gsubfn.googlecode.com

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