[R] Correct function name for text display of S4 object

Andrew Liu Andrew.T.Liu at williams.edu
Tue Jul 13 03:35:28 CEST 2010


I am working on an R package for storing order book data. I currently 
have a display method that has the following output (ob is an S4 object):


Current time is 09:35:02

          Price      Ask Size


          11.42      900

          11.41      1,400

          11.40      1,205

          11.39      1,600

          11.38      400


2,700      11.36

1,100      11.35

1,100      11.34

1,600      11.33

700       11.32


Bid Size      Price

The package already has show, summary, and plot methods.

Is there a more conventional name than display for the above output, or 
is display as good as any other name?



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