[R] Sweave: infelicities with lattice graphics

Claudia Beleites cbeleites at units.it
Thu Jul 15 23:12:00 CEST 2010

Dear Michael,

I know this situation from writing vignettes and I usually cheat a bit

I redefine the functions along these lines:

plotmap <- function (...) print (hyperSpec:::plotmap (...))

    (plotmap is a lattice-function for hyperSpec objects)

plotmap can tehn be used without the print in the vignettes - this works 
fine for almost all cases. Only, if you have a structure that one of the 
redefined functions call another one of them, you get e.g. a pdf with 2 

Have a look at the vignettes and particularly the file vignettes.defs 
of package hyperSpec 

BTW: I find it polite to mention that some definitions etc. are executed 
silently and where people can find it.



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