[R] XMLSchema:::processSchemaTypes() fails with XMLSchema.xsd [was: SSOAP fails with .types[[1]] : subscript out of bounds]

Steffen Neumann sneumann at ipb-halle.de
Tue Jun 22 10:59:14 CEST 2010

Hi again, 

On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 10:02 +0200, Steffen Neumann wrote:
> So, if XMLSchema:::processSchemaTypes() does not find 
> any custom/embedded type definitions, is it possibe to "inject" those 
> from the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd 
> into genSOAPClientInterface() instead ? 

Well, it's not possible, at least for me.
This is as far as I got, any help appreciated:

Thanks in advance, 

xsd = XMLSchema:::parseSchemaDoc("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd")
root = xmlRoot(xsd)
types = XMLSchema:::processSchemaTypes(root, root, verbose = TRUE)

> xsd = XMLSchema:::parseSchemaDoc("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd")
> root = xmlRoot(xsd)
> types = XMLSchema:::processSchemaTypes(root, root, verbose = TRUE)
processing (sub) schema http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace 
2 ) lang  ( attribute )
3 ) space  ( attribute )
4 ) base  ( attribute )
5 ) id  ( attribute )
6 ) specialAttrs  ( attributeGroup )
5 ) openAttrs  ( complexType )
6 ) annotated  ( complexType )
7 ) schemaTop  ( group )
8 ) redefinable  ( group )
9 ) formChoice  ( simpleType )
10 ) reducedDerivationControl  ( simpleType )
11 ) derivationSet  ( simpleType )
Error in validObject(.Object) : 
  invalid class "RestrictedListType" object: invalid object for slot "name" in class "RestrictedListType": got class "NULL", should be or extend class "character"
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In processAttribute(type, name) :
  <fixme> Skipping children in <attribute> definition
2: In processAttribute(type, name) :
  <fixme> Skipping children in <attribute> definition
> traceback()
12: stop(msg, " ", errors, domain = NA)
11: validObject(.Object)
10: initialize(value, ...)
9: initialize(value, ...)
8: new("RestrictedListType", name = name, elType = elType, elementType = type)
7: processSimpleList(type[[1]], xmlGetAttr(type, "name"))
6: FUN(X[[2L]], ...)
5: lapply(xmlChildren(u), processSchemaType, types = types)
4: processSchemaType(el, substitutionGroups = substGroups)
3: FUN(1:156[[11L]], ...)
2: lapply(seq(length = xmlSize(node)), function(i) {
       el = node[[i]]
       if (inherits(el, c("XMLCommentNode", "XMLInternalCommentNode")) || 
           xmlName(el) %in% c("import", "include")) 
       if (xmlName(el) == "annotation") 
       if (xmlName(el) == "schema") {
           if (xmlSize(el) == 1 && names(el) == "schema") 
               el = el[[1]]
           ns = xmlGetAttr(el, "targetNamespace")
           if (verbose) 
               cat("processing (sub) schema", xmlGetAttr(el, "targetNamespace"), 
           o = processSchemaTypes(el, doc, namespaceDefs, createConverters = FALSE, 
               verbose = verbose)
           o = new("SchemaTypes", o)
           o at elementFormQualified = xmlGetAttr(el, "elementFormQualified", 
               FALSE, as.logical)
           if (length(o)) 
               ans[[ns]] <<- o
       else {
           n = xmlGetAttr(el, "name", as.character(NA))
           if (verbose) 
               cat(i, ")", n, " (", xmlName(el), ")\n")
           o = processSchemaType(el, substitutionGroups = substGroups)
           if (FALSE && createConverters && is(o, "BasicSOAPType")) 
               o at fromConverter = createSOAPConverter(o, ans)
           ans[[n]] <<- o
1: XMLSchema:::processSchemaTypes(root, root, verbose = TRUE)

IPB Halle                    AG Massenspektrometrie & Bioinformatik
Dr. Steffen Neumann          http://www.IPB-Halle.DE
Weinberg 3                   http://msbi.bic-gh.de
06120 Halle                  Tel. +49 (0) 345 5582 - 1470
                                  +49 (0) 345 5582 - 0
sneumann(at)IPB-Halle.DE     Fax. +49 (0) 345 5582 - 1409

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