[R] Finding different hues for a mosaic plot compatible with grayscale printing

Simon Kiss sjkiss at gmail.com
Thu May 13 10:15:10 CEST 2010

Dear Colleagues,
Thanks for that JIm, but It strikes me that printing the residual  
values in the cells might be a simpler way of communicating the  
direction of each cell.
I can get the residuals printed via the labeling_values commands in  
mosaic, but I cannot seem to *combine* this with labeling_borders  
commands that I'd like to use to modify the rotation, font size and  
contents of variable names and labels.
The following mosaic command draws the plot with the labeling I'd like.

 >mosaic(~social_class+ctax_agg_scaled, pop=FALSE, shade=TRUE,  
main="The Liberals Carbon Tax Or Green Shift Would Hurt The Canadian  
Economy By EGP Class Category", main_gp=gpar(fontsize=16),  
gp=shading_hcl(CST21$observed, CST21$expected, ASR21, df=12,  
h=c(260,0), c=c(100,0), l=c(90,50), interpolate=c(1,2,3,4)),  
labeling_args=list(labels=TRUE, rot_labels=c(25,0,0,25),  
gp_labels=gpar(fontsize=7), just_labels="center",  
offset_labels=c(1,0,0,4), offset_varnames=c(2,0,0,4),  
set_varnames=c(ctax_agg_scaled="The Liberal Green Shift Or Carbon Tax  
Would Hurt The Canadian Economy", social_class="EGP Class Category")))

And when I take out the labeling_borders commands and insert the  
 >labeling=labeling_values(value_type=c("residuals"), suppress=0)

then I do get the residuals printed, but the labels are unattractive.

How do I combine labeling_borders and labeling_values commands in one  

Yours, Simon Kiss	
On 12-May-10, at 2:42 PM, Jim Lemon wrote:

> On 05/12/2010 07:34 PM, Simon Kiss wrote:
>> I'm working with the following code below to generate a
>> how do I set the h,c, and l values such that the significant,  
>> positive
>> residuals appear different on a grayscale printer from significant
>> grayscale residuals. The challenge as I see it is that one can only
>> distinguish the positive and negative residuals with the hue/.  
>> Varying
>> the chroma and the luminance only affect the distinctions between  
>> large
>> and small and significant and non significant. But my positive and
>> negative residuals are both large (absolutely) and significant,  
>> meaning
>> that they will have the same chroma and luminosity, but different  
>> hues.
>> I guess the key here is to find two separate hue values that appear
>> substantially different *on a grayscale printer* at the same chroma  
>> and
>> luminance. I have read through Zeileis et al. (2007, 2008) but can't
>> quite find the answer there.
>> I have also tried the Friendly shading to vary the line type, but I
>> can't find line types that are different enough to communicate the
>> difference between positive and negative residuals clearly.
>> Your assistance is appreciated.
>> >mosaic(~educ+trade_off_scaled, shade=TRUE, main="Support For
>> Environmental Protection At The Expense of Creating Jobs By  
>> Education",
>> gp=shading_hcl(CST17$observed, CST17$expected, ASR17, df=6,  
>> h=c(260,0),
>> c=c(100,0), l=c(90,0)), labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(25,90,0,0),
>> offset_labels=c(1,0,0,2), offset_varnames=c(2,0,0,4),
>> set_varnames=c(trade_off_scaled="Protecting The Environment Is More
>> Important Than Creating Jobs", educ="Level of Education")))
> Hi Simon,
> I thought that the symbolbox function might do something useful, but  
> it required a bit of modification. The attached mod allows the user  
> to fill a rectangle with symbols, which includes things like "+" and  
> "-".
> Jim
> <symbolbox.R>

Simon J. Kiss, PhD
SSHRC and DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellow
John F. Kennedy Institute of North America Studies
Free University of Berlin
Lansstraße 7-9
14195 Berlin, Germany
Cell: +49 (0)1525-300-2812,
Web: http://www.jfki.fu-berlin.de/index.html

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