[R] plot for linear discriminant

Giovanni Azua bravegag at gmail.com
Sun May 16 19:25:36 CEST 2010

Hello Hadley,

Thank you very much for your help! I have just received your book btw :)

On May 16, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
>Hi Giovanni,
>Have a look at the classifly package for an alternative approach that
>works for all classification algorithms.  If you provided a small
>reproducible example, I could step through it for you.

Please find below a self contained example. I managed to complete the task using the graphics package. I would be curious to see how to get one of those really nice ggplot2 graphs with decision boundaries and class regions :) 

Thank you!
Best regards,

# =========================================================================================
# (1) Generate sample labelled data   
# =========================================================================================

rm(list=ls())                                                                                         # clear workspace
library(mvtnorm)                                                                                 # needed for rmvnorm
set.seed(11)                                                                                       # predictability of results

sigma <- cbind(c(0.5, 0.3), c(0.3, 0.5))                                               # true covariance matrix
mu <- matrix(0,nrow=3,ncol=2)
mu[1,] <- c(3, 1.5)                                                                               # true mean vectors
mu[2,] <- c(4,   4)
mu[3,] <- c(8.5, 2)
x <- matrix(0, nrow = 300, ncol = 3)
x[,3] <- rep(1:3, each = 100)                                                               # class labels
x[1  :100,1:2] <- rmvnorm(n = 100, mean = mu[1,], sigma = sigma)   # simulate data
x[101:200,1:2] <- rmvnorm(n = 100, mean = mu[2,], sigma = sigma)
x[201:300,1:2] <- rmvnorm(n = 100, mean = mu[3,], sigma = sigma)

# =========================================================================================
# (2) Plot the labelled data   
# =========================================================================================

## Function for plotting the data separated by classes, hacked out of predplot:
## http://stat.ethz.ch/teaching/lectures/FS_2010/CompStat/predplot.R
plotclasses <- function(x, main = "", len = 200, ...) {
    xp <- seq(min(x[,1]), max(x[,1]), length=len)
    yp <- seq(min(x[,2]), max(x[,2]), length=len)
    grid <- expand.grid(xp, yp)
    colnames(grid) <- colnames(x)[-3]
    text(2.5,4.8,"Class 1",cex=.8)                                                          # class 1                              
    text(4.2,1.0,"Class 2",cex=.8)                                                          # class 2
    text(8.0,0.5,"Class 3",cex=.8)                                                          # class 3


# =========================================================================================
# (3) Functions needed: calculate separating hyperplane between two given 
#     classes and converting hyperplanes to line equations for the p=2 case     
# =========================================================================================

## Returns the coefficients for the hyperplane that separates one class from another. 
## Computes the coefficients according to the formula: 
## $x^T\hat{\Sigma}^{-1}(\hat{\mu}_0-\hat{\mu}_1) - \frac{1}{2}(\hat{\mu}_0 + 
## \hat{\mu}_1)^T\hat{\Sigma}^{-1}(\hat{\mu}_0-\hat{\mu}_1)+\log(\frac{p_0}{p_1})$  
## sigmainv(DxD) - precalculated sigma (covariance matrix) inverse
## mu1(1xD) - precalculated mu mean for class 1
## mu2(1xD) - precalculated mu mean for class 2
## prior1 - precalculated prior probability for class 1
## prior2 - precalculated prior probability for class 2
ownldahyperplane <- function(sigmainv,mu1,mu2,prior1,prior2) {
    J <- nrow(mu)                                                                                  # number of classes
    b <- sigmainv%*%(mu1 - mu2)
    c <- -(1/2)*t(mu1 + mu2)%*%sigmainv%*%(mu1 - mu2) + log(prior1/prior2) 

## Returns linear betas (intersect and slopes) for the given hyperplane structure. 
## The structure is a list that matches the output of the function defined above. 
ownlinearize <- function(sephyp) {
	return(list(beta0=-sephyp$c/sephyp$b[2],                                   # line slope and intersect

# =========================================================================================
# (4) Run lda  
# =========================================================================================

library(MASS)                                                                                      # needed for lda/qda
                                                                                                            # read in a function that plots 
                                                                                                            # lda/qda decision boundaries
fit <- lda(x=x[,1:2],grouping=x[,3])
A <- fit$scaling                                                                                    # extract A matrix 
sigmahatinv <- A%*%t(A)                                                                    # calculate sigma hat inverse
priorhat <- fit$prior                                                                              # get prior hat probabilities
muhat <- fit$means                                                                             # get mu hat

# =========================================================================================
# (5) Calculate the separating hyperplanes which can be added using abline
#     or create the class boundaries using lines by fixing six points. 
#     Run the abline one at the time after running step 2 anew  
# =========================================================================================

plotclasses(x)                                                                                      # Step 5.a)
sephyp12 <- ownldahyperplane(sigmahatinv,muhat[1,],muhat[2,],     # calculate dec. boundary 1-2
line12 <- ownlinearize(sephyp12)                                                       # get line for 1-2

plotclasses(x)                                                                                      # Step 5.b)
sephyp23 <- ownldahyperplane(sigmahatinv,muhat[2,],muhat[3,],     # calculate dec. boundary 2-3
line23 <- ownlinearize(sephyp23)                                                       # get line for 2-3

plotclasses(x)                                                                                      # Step 5.c)
sephyp13 <- ownldahyperplane(sigmahatinv,muhat[1,],muhat[3,],     # calculate dec. boundary 1-3
line13 <- ownlinearize(sephyp13)                                                        # get line for 1-3

# =========================================================================================
# (6) Run this snippet to see the class regions after running step 2 anew  
# =========================================================================================

xvalue <- -(line13$beta0-line23$beta0)/(line13$beta1-line23$beta1) # intersect of any two decision 
yvalue <- line13$beta0 + line13$beta1*xvalue                                    # boundaries
center <- xy.coords(x=xvalue,y= yvalue)                                             # manually calculated intersect
                                                                                                            # of two decision boundaries
intersect <- xy.coords(x=0,y=line12$beta0)
yvalue <- 6
xvalue <- (yvalue - line23$beta0)/line23$beta1
intersect <- xy.coords(xvalue,yvalue)                                                  # manually calculated intersect 
intersect <- xy.coords(x=0,y=line13$beta0)

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