[R] How to delete the previously saved workspace restored

Yanwei Tan Tan at nbio.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon May 31 15:15:16 CEST 2010

Thanks a lot David!

I use MacOSX and deleted the .RData file, then everything is fine.

Best wishes,

On 5/31/10 2:49 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On May 31, 2010, at 5:10 AM, Yanwei Tan wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am a new user of R, here I have a question about remove the 
>> previous restored workspace.  I saved the workspace last time, but R 
>> always automatically load the workspace when I open it.  I try to 
>> remove the object and then close R without saving. But next time when 
>> I open R, it always load the previous workspace. I want to delete the 
>> .RData in the directory, but I have no clue where is the .RData 
>> directory.
>> The message is "Workspace restored from /Users/wei/.RData"
> It tells you that it is in the /Users/wei/ directory.
>> How could I avoid from this directory? because there is a dot before, 
>> I do not know where I can find this file.
>> Also I already try this command : rm(list=ls())   But R still load 
>> the previous workspace.
> What OS? MacOSX? You can turn on showing dotted files which are by 
> default hidden. Or you could open a Terminal window and issue the command
>  rm /Users/wei/.RData
> You could alternatively exit and save after rm(list=ls()) which would 
> create an empty workspace which should load very quickly.
>> With many thanks for any advice!!
>> Best,
>> Wei

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