[R] truncate integers

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sat Nov 13 19:32:36 CET 2010

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:34 PM, T.D. Rudolph wrote:

> Is there any really easy way to truncate integers with several  
> consecutive
> digits without rounding and without converting from numeric to  
> character
> (using strsplit, etc.)??  Something along these lines:
> e.g. = 456
> truncfun(e.g., location=1)
> = 4
> truncfun(e.g., location=1:2)
> = 45
> truncfun(e.g., location=2:3)
> = 56
> truncfun(e.g., location=3)
> = 6
> It's one thing using floor(x/100) to get 4 or floor(x/10) to get 45,  
> but I'd
> like to return only 5 or only 6, for example, in cases where I don't  
> know
> what the numbers are going to be.
> I'm sure there is something very logical that I am missing, but my  
> code is
> getting too complicated and I can't seem to find a parsimonious  
> solution.

Modulo arithmetic? (not the same location arguments as you specified  
but should give you ideas to work with:

  trncint <- function(x, left=0,length=0)  (x %% 10^(left) ) %/%  

 > trncint(456, 2,2)
[1] 56
 > trncint(456, 3,2)
[1] 45
 > trncint(456, 3,1)
[1] 4
 > trncint(456, 2,1)
[1] 5
 > trncint(456, 3,1)
[1] 4

 > trncint(456, 1,1)
[1] 6


David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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