[R] Change global env variables from within a function

Jon Zadra jrz9f at virginia.edu
Wed Oct 13 20:19:35 CEST 2010


I've looked all over for a solution to this, but haven't had much look 
in specifying what I want to do with appropriate search terms.  Thus I'm 
turning to R-help.

In the process of trying to write a simple function to rename individual 
column names in a data frame, I ran into the following problem: When I 
rename the columns within my function, I can't seem to get it to apply 
to the data frame in the global environment in a simple manner.


tempdf <- data.frame("a" = 1:6, "b" = 7:12)

#I can rename a to g this way:
names(tempdf)[names(tempdf)=="a"] <- "g"

#Wanting to simplify this for the future, I have the function:
colrename <- function(dframe, oldname, newname) {
     names(dframe)[names(dframe)==oldname] <- newname

colrename(tempdf, "a", "g")

#However of course the change to tempdf stays within colrename().  I 
could add "return(names(dframe))" to the function and then call the 
function like:
#names(tempdf) <- colrename(tempdf, "a", "g")
#but at that point its not much simpler than the original:
#names(tempdf)[names(tempdf)=="a"] <- "g"

So, i'm wondering, is there a way to write code within that function so 
that the tempdf in the global environment gets changed?
I thought of doing "names(dframe)[names(dframe)==oldname] <<- newname" 
but then of course it doesn't replace "dframe" with "tempdf" in the 
evaluation, so it seems to be a problem of looking at some variables 
within the function environment but others in the parent environment.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Jon Zadra
Department of Psychology
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400400
Charlottesville VA 22904
(434) 982-4744
email: zadra at virginia.edu

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