[R] 3D-scatterplots - high quality rendering?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 13:34:43 CEST 2010

J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk wrote:
> I have just started using the package 'rgl' to explore my data as a 3D  
> scatterplot.
> It's a great tool. But I would like to be able to save some graph  
> views and it appears the only format available is 'png' and it doesn't  
> look that nice. It is excellent to work with on screen and  
> explore/play, but when it comes to producing a good quality graphic  
> I'm a bit disappointed.
> So the questions I have are:
> 1) is there a way to render the graph in the RGL device as a high  
> quality graphic?

You can use rgl.postscript for various other formats, but you may find 
the bitmap output is better.  In particular, shading is not always done 

Duncan Murdoch
> 2) if the answer is no, what would be the best package to produce good  
> quality "point-of-view" customisable 3D scatter plots? I guess I cal  
> always use 'rgl' to explore the data, and then use an alternative to  
> produce specific plots, once I figure which views/angles are the ones  
> I want to show.
> 3) it would be interesting to produce a simple movie, maybe just a  
> 360-degree rotation. Is there a package geared towards that, or do I  
> just simply create a collection of images that I animate elsewhere?
> Thank you for your help!
> Jose

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