[R] Axis break with gap.plot()

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Fri Sep 10 12:12:38 CEST 2010

On 09/10/2010 01:07 AM, Filoche wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm trying to break the y axis on a plot. For instance, I have 2 series
> (points and a loess). Since the loess is a "continuous" set of points, it
> passes in the break section. However, with gap.plot I cant plot the loess
> because of this (I got the message "some values of y will not be
> displayed").
> Here's my code:
> library(plotrix);
> #generate some data
> x = seq(-pi,pi,0.1);
> sinx = sin(x);
> #add leverage value
> sinx = c(sinx,10);
> xx = c(x,max(x) + 0.1);
> #Loess
> yy = loess(sinx ~ xx, span = 0.1);
> yy = predict(yy);
> #Add break between 2 and 8
> gap.plot(xx,sinx,c(2,8)); #This line works fine
> gap.plot(xx,yy,c(2,8), add = T); #This wont plot the loess
> I did the graphic I would like to produce in Sigmaplot.
> http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/5206/breakaxis.jpg
Hi Phil,
The loess is being displayed, but because it is just reproducing the 
points already there, except for one or two, you don't see it.
If you try this:

gap.plot(xx,yy,c(2,8), add = TRUE,type="l");

you'll see the line, although you won't get the uptick at the end 
because it passes through the gap. It would require a bit of manual 
labor to get the same plot as your example. If you have to do just one 
of these, I would probably recalculate the loess fit to account for the 
gap and display it with "lines". If you have to do lots, I would think 
about writing a function to do this that you could call instead of the 
second call to gap.plot.


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