[R] Use of the dot.dot.dot option in functions.

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:56:01 CEST 2011

On 06/04/2011 12:04 PM, KENNETH R CABRERA wrote:
> Hi R users:
> I try this code, where "fun" is a parameter of a random generating
> function name, and I pretend to use "..." parameter to pass the parameters
> of different random generating functions.
> What am I doing wrong?
> f1<-function(nsim=20,n=10,fun=rnorm,...){
>      vp<-replicate(nsim,t.test(fun(n,...),fun(n,...))$p.value)
>      return(vp)
> }
> This works!
> f1()
> f1(n=20,mean=10)
> This two fails:
> f1(n=10,fun=rexp)
> f1(n=10,fun=rbeta,shape1=1,shape2=2)
> Thank you for your help.

I imagine it's a scoping problem: replicate() is probably not evaluating 
the ... in the context you think it is.  You could debug this by writing 
a function like

showArgs <- function(n, ...) {

and calling f1(n=10, fun=showArgs), but it might be easier just to avoid 
the problem:

f1 <- function(nsim=20,n=10,fun=rnorm,...){
     localfun <- function() fun(n, ...)
     vp<-replicate(nsim,t.test(localfun(), localfun())$p.value)

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