[R] Windrose Percent Interval Frequencies Are Non Linear! Help!

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 18:26:48 CEST 2011

Brittain Briber <brittbriber <at> yahoo.com> writes:

>  Do you two or anyone
> else out there happen to know if it is possible to specify the
>  width of the intervals in windrose?  Is there
> a parameter that I can pass along that would do this? 
>  Below is a reproducible script in which you can see
> the uneven interval spacing.  And thanks again for your answers.
> Best
> Britt

  The "Details" of ?windrose in circular says
quite explicitly that it preserves the areas of "pedals" [sic],
so it's unlikely that this is adjustable without hacking the
code. (Hmmm, maybe I will write to the maintainers and ask
them to correct the spelling of "petals" throughout ...)

  On the other hand, there are a *lot* of alternative windrose/circular
histogram-plotting functions out there in CRAN-contrib-land.
library("sos"); findFn("wind rose") finds them in packages
plotrix, openair, oce, climatol, IDPmisc, ggplot2 ... and
that's not counting rose.diag in the CircStats package.

  I would take a quick look and see if any of those packages
work for you. 

  Ben Bolker

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