[R] 3D Bar Graphs in ggplot2?

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Thu Aug 4 13:20:55 CEST 2011

On 08/03/2011 11:07 PM, wwreith wrote:
> So I take it 3D pie charts are out?
> P.S. It is not about hiding anything. It is about consulting and being told
> by your client to make 3D pie charts and change this font or that color to
> make the graphs more apealing. Given that I am the one trying to open the
> door to using R where I work it would be much easier if I could simply use a
> 2D graph.
> --
Hi wwreith,
Take a look at pie3D in the plotrix package. It's not as fancy as the 
latest 3D pie charts, but it may get you over the line.


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