[R] Rdconv LaTeX files

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 14:41:29 CEST 2011

On 11-08-04 1:42 AM, Michael O'Keeffe wrote:
> Hi,
> I've written a package and converted my Rd files into LaTeX using
> Rdconv. When I copy and paste these files in to my Sweave document I
> get the error message when compiling the Sweave file:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.32 \inputencoding
>                     {utf8}
> I also get the error message for the "\HeaderA", "\keyword".
> Additionally I get an environment undefined error for some of the
> "\begin" control sequences. Do I need to specifically "include"
> certain LaTeX libraries in my Sweave document?

Yes, Rd files use the Rd.sty style.  So \usepackage{Rd} would be 
necessary.  It's not designed for this kind of use, so you might find 
incompatibilities; I've never tried it.

Duncan Murdoch

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