[R] keeping output in memory

Joseph Sorell josephsorell at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 01:21:36 CEST 2011

Dear R afficianados!

I'm writing a script to create a frequency list for multiple files.
I've written a "for" loop to iterate through the selected folder and
creating lists for each file. In the line "write(freq.list,
file=filename[[1]], sep="", append=FALSE)" I've written the individual
lists to file. However, I would really like to keep them in memory for
use in the next process. Any ideas on how to store the file with its
unique file name in memory?

selected.files<-list.files(path=getwd(), pattern="*.txt")  #select all
the files from the working directory
	for (i in 1:length(selected.files)) {
	text.file<-scan(selected.files[[i]], what="char", sep="\n", quote="",
comment.char="")  #inputs the text file
	text.file<-tolower(text.file)  #changes all alphabetic characters to lower case
	text.file<-gsub("<.*?>", "", text.file, perl=T)  #removes tags
	word.list<-strsplit(text.file, "\\W+")  #extracts words from the file
	word.vector<-unlist(word.list)  #changes output from strsplit back
into a vector
	word.vector<-word.vector[nchar(word.vector)>0]  #removes an empty strings
	freq.list<-table(word.vector)  #creates a table named integers which
are the word types and their frequencies
	filename<-paste("freq.list", i, "txt", sep=".")  #creates a unique
file name for each iteration of this loop
	write(freq.list, file=filename[[1]], sep="", append=FALSE)  #writes
the current frequency list to file

Many thanks!

Joseph Sorell

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