[R] matrix correlations with different packages

Bókony Veronika vbokony at enternet.hu
Thu Aug 11 08:55:38 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I'm calculating matrix correlations with permutation tests and I got this 
funny result.  All correlation coefficients are the same with mantel.test 
{ncf} and pcol {simba} but the two functions yield dramatically different 
p-values (using the same number of permutations). Could anyone please 
enlighten me what is causing the difference and which result I can trust? 
(My matrices are not hdist objects so please don't recommend using 
mantel.rtest {ade4} instead :)

Thanks a lot!

Veronika Bókony PhD
Dept. of Limnology
University of Pannonia
Pf. 158. Veszprém H-8201
vbokony at almos.uni-pannon.hu

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