[R] model formula

Eik Vettorazzi E.Vettorazzi at uke.uni-hamburg.de
Thu Aug 11 19:57:52 CEST 2011

Am 11.08.2011 17:39, schrieb Uwe Ligges:
> On 11.08.2011 17:27, Bond, Stephen wrote:
>> Hello useRs,
>> Pls help with removing a single interaction term from a formula:
>> summary(
>>          glm.turn.2<-
>> glm(cbind(turn.cnt,tot.cnt-turn.cnt)~sn+poly(relAge,2,raw=T)+termfac+rate:termfac,data=fix,
>>                    family="quasibinomial")
>>          )
>> Gives
>> Coefficients:
>>                             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
>> (Intercept)               -7.028467   0.106002 -66.305<  2e-16 ***
>> snFeb                      0.156963   0.023660   6.634 3.27e-11 ***
>> snMar                      0.317540   0.022883  13.876<  2e-16 ***
>> snApr                      0.526084   0.022004  23.908<  2e-16 ***
>> snMay                      1.026710   0.020347  50.460<  2e-16 ***
>> snJun                      0.841044   0.021318  39.452<  2e-16 ***
>> snJul                      0.668790   0.022530  29.685<  2e-16 ***
>> snAug                      0.544267   0.022580  24.104<  2e-16 ***
>> snSep                      0.389667   0.023363  16.679<  2e-16 ***
>> snOct                      0.351294   0.023586  14.894<  2e-16 ***
>> snNov                      0.391464   0.024057  16.272<  2e-16 ***
>> snDec                     -0.373369   0.028755 -12.985<  2e-16 ***
>> poly(relAge, 2, raw = T)1  2.952887   0.067455  43.776<  2e-16 ***
>> poly(relAge, 2, raw = T)2 -1.783907   0.064074 -27.841<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac2                  -0.681719   0.128571  -5.302 1.14e-07 ***
>> termfac3                  -1.032416   0.146396  -7.052 1.77e-12 ***
>> termfac4                  -1.267011   0.108940 -11.630<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac5                  -1.009922   0.213129  -4.739 2.15e-06 ***
>> termfac6                   3.300301   0.203465  16.221<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac1:rate              0.012274   0.019895   0.617    0.537
>> termfac2:rate              0.121724   0.013472   9.036<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac3:rate              0.175232   0.018987   9.229<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac4:rate              0.197726   0.005787  34.164<  2e-16 ***
>> termfac5:rate              0.145622   0.027295   5.335 9.56e-08 ***
>> termfac6:rate             -0.362379   0.025261 -14.345<  2e-16 ***
>> and I would like to remove the termfac1:rate interaction. Is there a
>> way to do that?
>> Thank you
> And what do you want to do with the observations with termfac=1 then?
> Ignore? Also move to the Intercept?

Actually they are already in the Intercept because of the treatment
contrasts. The crucial part in the glm formula above is
which specifies intercepts deviating from termfac1 level and slopes for
every level of termfac. A dummy coding for different slopes should work,
since the slopes are independently modelled and tested against 0.

> Uwe Ligges
>> Stephen Bond
>>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Eik Vettorazzi
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

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