[R] UNC Windows path beginning with backslashes: normalizePath bug??

Keith Jewell k.jewell at campden.co.uk
Fri Aug 12 10:59:11 CEST 2011

Thanks Uwe.

I'm aware (and have been forcefully reminded) that using a mapped drive 
avoids these problems. But there is no single drive letter which I can use 
site-wide, so I have problems with things like R_LIBS_SITE. As I've outlined 
I'm exploring a range of solutions, including mapping a drive where I can.

I posted in the hope of learning from and perhaps helping those with similar 
problems. I hope that it is permissible to discuss non-canonical use of R on 
this list, I certainly did not intend disrespect for the R developers (or to 
make typing errors).

Best regards

Keith Jewell

"Uwe Ligges" <ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de> wrote in message 
news:4E44091E.7090309 at statistik.tu-dortmund.de...
> This is extremely tricky since Windows does not always accept "//" rather 
> than "\\". Additionally, there is not implemented system call in Windows, 
> hence ?Sys.glob tells us a "partial emulation" is provided and "An attempt 
> is made to handle UNC paths starting with a double backslash."
> As you have seenm this does not work everywhere, therefore it is advisable 
> to run R from mapped drives - as I am doing in the network of our 
> university for 13 years without problems now.
> Best,
> Uwe Ligges
> On 11.08.2011 18:29, Keith Jewell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Back in June I posted the message below, but had no replies. I've made a
>> little progress since then so this is to update anyone interested (!) and 
>> to
>> ask for comments.
>> Brief problem statement:
>> Under Windows, some parts of R don't handle UNC paths beginning with
>> backslashes. Specifically
>> a) Sys.glob() fails to find some files breaking (e.g.) Rcmdr plugins
>>         Sys.glob(file.path(.libPaths(), "*/etc/menus.txt"))
>>     fails to find files which are there
>> b) update.packages(ask='graphics') fails when copying the updates into 
>> the
>> destination folders
>> In Renviron.site I define the site library with forward slashes, not
>> backslashes thus...
>>     R_LIBS_SITE=//campden/shares/workgroup/stats/R/library/%v
>> ... but the startup process seems to replace them with forward slashes.
>> I guess because  .libPaths with a 'new' argument calls normalizePath 
>> which
>> changes leading slashes to backslashes, even with winslash="/"
>>> normalizePath("//campden/shares/workgroup/stats/R/library", 
>>> winslash="/")
>> [1] "\\\\campden/shares/workgroup/Stats/R/library"
>> I've corrected (??) this by inserting a line into Rprofile.site
>>    assign(".lib.loc", gsub("\\", "/", .libPaths(), fixed=TRUE),
>> env=environment(.libPaths))
>> That seems to fix problem (a) above, which was affecting a number of 
>> users.
>> But have I broken anything else?
>> I'm still experiencing problem (b).
>> I'm the only person on site who updates packages so I've mapped a drive
>> letter (L:) and in my own .Rprofile I have a line
>>     assign(".lib.loc", sub("//campden/shares/workgroup/Stats", "L:",
>> .libPaths(), ignore.case = TRUE), env=environment(.libPaths))
>> So that's OK as far as it goes, but it's all a bit messy!
>> If .libPaths is called with a 'new' argument it will breaks things again.
>> normalizePath seems to produce paths that don't work with Sys.glob.
>> I have the feeling I'm being silly and making hard work of all this.
>> Any comments? Suggestions?
>> Best regards, and thanks in advance/
>> Keith Jewell
>> "Keith Jewell"<k.jewell at campden.co.uk>  wrote in message news:...
>>> Hi,
>>> Back in 2010 I had a problem with 'update.packages()', which I worked
>>> around by mapping a drive letter to a UNC path [described in
>>> <http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/Rhelp10/2010-February/229820.html>  but my
>>> current workaround is
>>> assign(".lib.loc", sub("\\\\\\\\Server02/stats", "L:", .libPaths(),
>>> ignore.case = TRUE), env=environment(.libPaths))].
>>> More recently a colleague had problems using the 'FactoMineR' plug in 
>>> for
>>> the Rcmdr package;
>>> a) directly loading 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR' opened and "crashed" R
>>> Commander;
>>> b) opening R Commander without FactoMiner, the Tools option 'Load Rcmdr
>>> plug-in(s)...' was greyed out.
>>> It transpired that in .libPaths() the path to the library holding
>>> 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR' was specified as a UNC address:
>>> \\\\Server02/stats/R/library/2.13>. Mapping a virtual drive letter (e.g.
>>> L:) and specifying the path in .libPaths() as a 'local file system' 
>>> (LFS)
>>> address<L:/R/library/2.13>  fixed the problem.
>>> I contacted Professor Fox (maintainer of Rcmdr) who told me that Rcmdr
>>> finds plug-in packages via the command
>>>   plugins<- unlist(lapply(.libPaths(), function(x) Sys.glob(file.path(x,
>>> "*/etc/menus.txt"))))
>>> Because file.path and Sys.glob are both vectorised I think (but am not
>>> certain) that this could be simplified to:
>>>   plugins<- Sys.glob(file.path(.libPaths(), "*/etc/menus.txt"))
>>> but that's by the way, the problem seems to lie in Sys.glob under 
>>> Windows
>>> operating systems.
>>> I note that 'help(Sys.glob)' on my Windows system  differs from
>>> <http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/library/base/html/Sys.glob.html>.
>>> The latter says "For precise details, see your system's documentation on
>>> the glob system call.  There is a POSIX 1003.2 standard<snip>  The rest
>>> of these details are indicative (and based on the POSIX standard)".
>>> On Windows "The glob system call is not part of Windows, and we supply a
>>> partial emulation.<snip>  An attempt is made to handle UNC paths 
>>> starting
>>> with a double backslash" which doesn't really inspire confidence.
>>> This was discussed in a 2009 R-devel thread starting here
>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2009-June/053879.html>, but the
>>> patch proposed in that thread seems not to have been implemented (??).
>>> Trying to avoid Sys.glob in the Rcmdr application I came up with this:
>>>       list.files(path=file.path(list.files(path=.libPaths(),
>>> full.names=TRUE), "etc"), pattern="^menus\\.txt$", full.names=TRUE)
>>> It seems to give identical results to Sys.glob for mapped drives, works
>>> with UNC paths in Windows, and seems quite fast.
>>> So my questions relate to diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription 
>>> (cure?).
>>> 1) Diagnosis: Am I correct that my problem(s) originate in the "partial
>>> emulation" of glob in Windows.
>>> 2) Prognosis: If so, is there any likelihood that the emulation will
>>> improve in the near future?
>>> 3) Prescription: If not:
>>> a) is assign(".lib.loc", sub("\\\\\\\\Server02/stats", "L:", 
>>> .libPaths(),
>>> ignore.case = TRUE), env=environment(.libPaths))
>>> a reasonable workaround in a specific case?
>>> b) is list.files(path=file.path(list.files(path=.libPaths(),
>>> full.names=TRUE), "etc"), pattern="^menus\\.txt$", full.names=TRUE)
>>> a reasonable replacement for the Sys.glob() construction in Rcmdr? I 
>>> don't
>>> want to suggest to Prof. Fox an amendment which fixes my problem but
>>> 'breaks' it for others!
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Keith Jewell
>>> R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
>>> Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
>>> locale:
>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
>>> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
>>> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
>>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C
>>> [5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] datasets  grDevices splines   graphics  stats     utils     tcltk
>>> [8] tools     methods   base
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