[R] FW: Bayesian Relative Survival Analysis in R?

#HE YAO FENG VINCENT# HE0001NT at e.ntu.edu.sg
Tue Aug 16 18:38:54 CEST 2011

Hi all,
May i know does R has packages or code to run "Bayesian Relative Survival Analysis"? I have look through Bayesian Survival Analysis(2001) by Joseph George Ibrahim Ming-Hui Chen, Debajyoti Sinha , and would like to try out bayesian relative survival analysis in R.

>From the cran project website, i know that the package relsurv is for Relative survival and the package splinesurv is for Nonparametric bayesian survival analysis.
(For your information, relative survival is the method of choice for estimating patient survival using data collected by population-based cancer registries although its utility is not restricted to studying cancer( Dickman and Adami 2006; Dickman et al. 2004).”, which is a concept defined by Berkson (1942) and Berkson & Gage (1950).Two data files are required in order to estimate relative survival; a file containing individual-level data on the patients and a file containing expected probabilities of survival for a comparable general population.)

Both the paper, Spatial variation in prostate cancer survival in the Northern and Yorkshire region of England using Bayesian relative survival smoothing and A Bayesian geoadditive relative survival analysis of registry data on breast cancer mortality use Bayesian relative survival analysis. Hence, i was wondering if this is possible in R.

Thanks a lot.
Your Sincerely,
Vincent He

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