[R] question mle again

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 21:39:08 CET 2011

Antje Niederlein <niederlein-rstat <at> yahoo.de> writes:

> A few day ago, I was looking for an answer to my question but didn't
> get one. Anybody who can help now?
> Hello,
> I tried to use mle to fit a distribution(zero-inflated negbin for
> count data). My call is very simple:

  I will point out that this is one of the reasons I wrote mle2
(in the bbmle package), which differs from mle in taking an explicit
'data' argument.  I *think* the following does what you want (although
I admit I haven't looked at the output closely):

lambda.data <- runif(10,0.5,10)

ll <- function(lambda = 1) {
  cat("x in ll()",x,"\n")
  y.fit <- dpois(x, lambda)
  sum( (y - y.fit)^2 )

lapply(1:10, FUN = function(x){

  raw.data <- rpois(100,lambda.data[x])
  freqTab <- count(raw.data)
  x <- freqTab$x
  y <- freqTab$freq / sum(freqTab$freq)
  cat("x in lapply", x,"\n")
  fit <- mle2(ll,data=data.frame(x,y))


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