[R] Modifying a package name / Build from sources (rpart)

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 19:13:06 CET 2011

Simon Knos <simon_mailing <at> quantentunnel.de> writes:

> Upfront: I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question even
> after reading through the FAQ, so apologies if I should have directed the
> question elsewhere.

  I appreciate your confusion.  I think this might be slightly more
appropriate for r-devel, but it's a judgment call.

> My problem as follows: I need a modified version of some existing R package.
> I am well able to make the modifications in the C code of the package and
> can build it by R CMD. However, I would like to install and load the package
> differently, i.e., instead of library(packageorig) I would like to load it
> by library(packagemod) such that the functions names provided by the package
> remain identical but the library / packagename is different.
> More specifically, I need a different cross-validtion scheme in the package
> rpart.
> Which parts of the sources do I need to adapt? Can you point me to
> some resources where this kind of questions is answered?

  I think that if you simply modify the "Package:" entry in the
DESCRIPTION file that will do the trick.  It might be a good idea
to modify the version/author/maintainer lines as well to avoid future

  See the R "Installation and Administration" manual.

  Ben Bolker

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