[R] Ordinal logistic regression (lrm)- checking model assumptions

Anna Berthinussen bs06ab at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Feb 11 14:00:19 CET 2011

Dear all,

I have been using the lrm function in R to run an ordinal logistic  
regression and I am a bit confused about the methods for checking the  
model assumptions.

I have produced residual plots in R of the score.binary type which I  
think look ok. However, the partial type plots show bell shaped  
patterns and have crossing lines, indicating violation of parallelism.  
However, I noticed on the help page that for ordinal models,  
simulations where proportional odds are satisfied have also produced  
similar patterns.

I have also run the regression in SPSS and found that the test of  
parallel lines shows that the assumption of parallelism has not been  
violated. However, I have read that this is not a reliable method.

I am finding it very confusing to determine if my model meets the  
necessary assumptions. Does anybody know the best way to do this?

Any advice would be much appreciated,

Thank you,


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