[R] Calculate probabilty

Fabrice Tourre fabrice.ciup at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 19:09:52 CET 2011

Hi Rex,

Thanks for you explain. In fact, my question is: When I observed that
there are 6 or more balls in one box, what is this probability? The
ball is randomly put into the boxes.
I think it is: 1-pbinom(6,142,1/491) = 2.272026e-08.

When the sample size is large, how should I do this? using chisq.test?
Becuase binom test is not suitable for large sample size.
For example,
There are 6000 balls and 500 boxes, when I observed that there are 60
or more balls in one box, what is this probability?

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 6:40 PM,  <rex.dwyer at syngenta.com> wrote:
> Rex

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