[R] changing origin and plotting complex graphs

Jannis bt_jannis at yahoo.de
Mon Feb 28 18:51:15 CET 2011

Hi Muzna,

how about you getting first familiar with the basics of R?
Have a look at the manuals on the CRAN webpage 
(http://cran.r-project.org/) or get an introductive textbook. Your 
questions are very basic so it will not be too hard for you to get 
started. In case you get stuck with a particular problem, come back to 
the list but include the code for a reproducible example.

To get you started have a look at documentation for the functions:


This list is mostly to help you with specific problems and not to teach 
you on how to use R.


On 02/28/2011 11:21 AM, Muzna Alvi wrote:
> I have data on area under cultivation of a crops for 17 states..I need a
> scatter plot to be made for the following assignment
> Read the data file /Data/ep602/areas.csv, and make a scatter plot that
> displays area under rice in 1960s on the x axis, and percentage change in
> area under rice between 1960 and 1990 on the y axis. Let origin of the plot
> be at (50 per cent of area of rice in India as a whole,percentage change in
> area of rice in India as a whole). Then label with name of State three
> highest/rightmost points and three lowest/leftmost points.
> please help!
> i'm a novice..so simple commands only please

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