[R] xtable with conditional formatting using \textcolor

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at me.com
Wed Jun 1 20:47:26 CEST 2011

On Jun 1, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Walmes Zeviani wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm doing a table with scores and I want include colors to represent status
> of an individual. I'm using sweave <<results=tex>>= and xtable but I can't
> get a result I want. My attemps are
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # code R
> da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)
> col <- function(x){
>  ifelse(x>7,
>         paste("\textcolor{blue}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"),
>         paste("\textcolor{red}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"))
> }
> da$score.string <- col(da$score)
> require(xtable)
> xtable(da[,c("id","score.string")])
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> actual result
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> \begin{tabular}{rll}
>  \hline
> & id & score.string \\
>  \hline
> 1 & a &     extcolor\{red\}\{ 2.00 \} \\
>  2 & b &     extcolor\{red\}\{ 4.00 \} \\
>  3 & c &     extcolor\{red\}\{ 6.00 \} \\
>  4 & d &     extcolor\{blue\}\{ 8.00 \} \\
>  5 & e &     extcolor\{blue\}\{ 10.00 \} \\
>   \hline
> \end{tabular}
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> desired result (lines omited to save space)
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1 & a &     \textcolor{red}{ 2.00 } \\
> 2 & b &     \textcolor{red}{ 4.00} \\
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any contribution will be useful. Thanks.
> Walmes.

When the '\t' is being cat()'d to the TeX file (or console) by print.xtable(), it is being interpreted as a tab character. You need to escape it with additional backslashes and then adjust the sanitize.text.function in print.xtable() so that it does not touch the backslashes:

da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)

col <- function(x){
        paste("\\textcolor{blue}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"),
        paste("\\textcolor{red}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"))

da$score.string <- col(da$score)

> da
  id score               score.string
1  a     2   \\textcolor{red}{ 2.00 }
2  b     4   \\textcolor{red}{ 4.00 }
3  c     6   \\textcolor{red}{ 6.00 }
4  d     8  \\textcolor{blue}{ 8.00 }
5  e    10 \\textcolor{blue}{ 10.00 }


print(xtable(da[,c("id","score.string")]), sanitize.text.function = function(x){x})

That will give you:

% latex table generated in R 2.13.0 by xtable 1.5-6 package
% Wed Jun  1 13:44:54 2011
 & id & score.string \\ 
1 & a & \textcolor{red}{ 2.00 } \\ 
  2 & b & \textcolor{red}{ 4.00 } \\ 
  3 & c & \textcolor{red}{ 6.00 } \\ 
  4 & d & \textcolor{blue}{ 8.00 } \\ 
  5 & e & \textcolor{blue}{ 10.00 } \\ 


Marc Schwartz

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