[R] try to generate graph for each element of my list

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Jun 25 14:56:10 CEST 2011

On 24.06.2011 21:29, n.vialma at libero.it wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have the following problem. I have a List of time series dataframe.I'm
> trying to produce specific graph for each element of my list. The code is:
> This is my list:
> Lista_import<-lapply(Lista_import, function(x){
> x2<-subset(x, select=c("ANNO","DICHIARANTE","PARTNER", "quota"))
> x2<- as.xts(as.matrix(as.timeSeries(x2)))
> return(x2)})
> each list have the following  shape:
> $AUS
> $DEU
> and data inside...I'm not showing you the content cause I think is not
> relevant
> For the GRaph the code is
> c<-lapply(Lista_import,function(x){
> for(i in names(Lista_import)){
> legenda<- read.csv
> ("/home/fturrini/Tessile/01_Dati_complementari/Legenda_paese.csv",header=TRUE)

The lihne above is independent from i in the loop, hence move it outside 
and rename the stuff below.

> leg<- data.frame(ISO3=colnames(x),inutile=1)
> legenda<- merge(legenda,leg, by="ISO3", all.y=TRUE)
> png(paste("/home/Tessile/Output/Gra/MaxM/QuoteEXperPaese_",i,".png"),
> width=1661,height=828)

- >ou should really prettify your code in order to make it readable. Use 
tabs and spaces where appropriate!

- You probably want paste(....., sep="") above

> graph<-{par(bg="grey97", font=3,font.axis=3,bty="l",las=1, mar=c(8,6,4,2),
> xpd=FALSE)
> yrange<-c(min(x,na.rm=TRUE), 1.05*max(x,na.rm=TRUE))
> colori<- c("Blue","Aquamarine1", "Firebrick3", "Chocolate4", "BlueViolet",
> "Yellow3")
> chart.TimeSeries(x, type="l",lwd=5, ylab="", xlab="", main="", date.format="%
> Y", ylim=yrange, col=colori,
> cex.axis=1.6, major.ticks="years", minor.ticks=FALSE, grid.color="gray50",
> grid.lty="dotted")
> legend("topleft",as.character(legenda$PAESE),bty="n",cex=1.7,lwd=5, ncol=2,
> col=colori, horiz=F)

You want to write FALSE rather than F above.

I have not found the actual error, since your example is nopt 
reproducible and we do not know how your data look like.

Uwe Ligges

> mtext("Fonte: Unctad, Pctas", side=1,line=5,adj=1,cex=1.8,col="grey20")
> mtext(p, side=1,line=5,adj=0,cex=1.5,col="grey10")}}
> dev.off()
> rm(grafico)
> })
> The results is that I get the same graph for each element of my list.....
> Someone knows how to get one graph for each element of my list pasting the
> names' list element  in the .png file??
> Thanks for your attention!
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