[R] PCA - scores

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Mar 5 18:50:18 CET 2011

On 04.03.2011 17:52, Shari Clare wrote:
> Hi Bill and Josh:
> When I run any "principal" code with scores=TRUE, I get the following
> Error:
> Error in principal (my.data,3,scores=TRUE) : unused argument
> (scores=TRUE)
> Thoughts?

Your psych version (and probably also your R version) is outdated?
Please upgrade both R and your packages.

Uwe Ligges

> Thanks,
> Shari
> On 3-Mar-11, at 9:42 PM, William Revelle wrote:
>> Shari,
>>   Josh partly answered your question, but his example did not include
>> rotation because he took out just one factor.
>> Try:
>> require(psych)
>> mt.pc<- principal(mtcars,3,scores=TRUE)   #this gives you the
>> varimax rotated first 3 principal components
>> #pc.scores<- mt.pc$scores     #here are the scores
>> biplot(mt.pc)    #show the data as well as the principal components
>> in a biplot
>> Bill
>> At 5:15 PM -0800 3/3/11, Joshua Wiley wrote:
>>> Hi Shari,
>>> Yes, please look at the documentation for principal.  You can access
>>> this (assuming you have loaded psych) by typing at the console:
>>> ?principal
>>> note the logical argument "scores".
>>> Here is a small example:
>>> ##############################
>>> require(psych)
>>> require(GPArotation)
>>> dat<- principal(mtcars[, c("mpg", "hp", "wt")], nfactors = 1,
>>>   rotate = "oblimin", scores = TRUE)
>>> dat$scores
>>> ##############################
>>> Cheerio,
>>> Josh
>>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Shari Clare<sclare at ualberta.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am running a PCA, but would like to rotate my data and limit the
>>>> number of factors that are analyzed.  I can do this using the
>>>> "principal" command from the psych package [principal(my.data,
>>>> nfactors=3,rotate="varimax")], but the issue is that this does not
>>>> report scores for the Principal Components the way "princomp" does.
>>>> My question is:
>>>> Can you get an output of scores using "principal" OR, is there a way
>>>> to limit the number of factors that are included when you use
>>>> "princomp"?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Shari Clare
>>>> PhD Candidate
>>>> Department of Renewable Resources
>>>> University of Alberta
>>>> sclare at ualberta.ca
>>>> 780-492-2540
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>>> --
>>> Joshua Wiley
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