[R] lattice (panel.3dscatter): how to make plot symbol thicker?

Marius Hofert m_hofert at web.de
Tue Mar 8 23:48:38 CET 2011

Dear expeRts,

I would like to make a plot symbol in panel.3dscatter thicker. As you can see from 
the minimal example below, the parameter "lwd" does not solve this problem. 
What can I do to make the plot symbol thicker?




x <- 1:10
y <- x
g <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
z <- apply(g, 1, function(z) log(z[1] + z[2]^2))
val <- cbind(g, z)
pts <- c(3,5,3.34)

wireframe(val[,3] ~ val[,1]*val[,2], pts=pts, xlab="x", ylab="y", zlab="z",
          panel.3d.wireframe = function(x,y,z,xlim,ylim,zlim,xlim.scaled,
              panel.3dwire(x=x, y=y, z=z, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim,
                           xlim.scaled=xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled=ylim.scaled,
                           zlim.scaled=zlim.scaled, ...)
              panel.3dscatter(x=pts[1], y=pts[2], z=pts[3],
                              xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim,
                              xlim.scaled=xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled=ylim.scaled,
                              zlim.scaled=zlim.scaled, type="p", 
                              pch=3, lwd=10, cex=3, .scale=TRUE, ...)

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