[R] A plot similar to violin plot

Ista Zahn izahn at psych.rochester.edu
Wed Mar 9 03:51:30 CET 2011

I'm afraid I still don't get it (see in line below).

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:49 AM, C.H. <chainsawtiney at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for being ambiguous.
> The data are some continuous variable (Y-axis) categorized into 3
> groups (Controls, Depressed EF and Preserved EF, X-asis).

OK. I'm having trouble way before this though. Even taking just one
group, I still don't understand what this graphic is showing.

> The band of dots on the plot is the data point.

This is where I'm getting lost. You have a *band* of dots for each
data point (singular)? My head is exploding thinking about this. Why
do you have mutiple dots for each point?

The density of dots
> and the "fatness" of the band present the frequency of a particular
> value in Y-axis.

But the Y-axis variable is continuous. In order to have counts at
different values of y you will need to bin it somehow. And even then
you will still have only *one* value for the count in each bin. So
again, how and why are there muliple dots in each band (your term) /
bin (my term)?

 This property is similar to the violin plot: showing
> the probability density of the data at different values. Instead of
> showing a shape in violin plot, this plot shows the actual
> distribution of the data points.

OK, so let's say we bin y and get the counts in each bin. We can plot
a point for each point that goes into that count, but what determines
the position of each point on the x-axis?

It's entirely possible (even probable) that my poor little brain just
can't wrap itself around the idea. Maybe someone else can chime in and
help me out.


> Thank you.
> Regards,
> CH
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:14 PM, Ista Zahn <izahn at psych.rochester.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't understand what is being plotted here. Can you describe what
>> you want in more detail?
>> Best,
>> Ista
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:27 AM, C.H. <chainsawtiney at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear R Users,
>>> I would like to know is there any package to create a plot like this?
>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5409929/cs1160521f01.gif
>>> X axis is categorical. And the positions of the points are
>>> corresponding to the frequency. (similar to violinplot)
>>> Thank you.
>>> Regards,
>>> CH
>>> --
>>> CH Chan
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>> --
>> Ista Zahn
>> Graduate student
>> University of Rochester
>> Department of Clinical and Social Psychology
>> http://yourpsyche.org
> --
> CH Chan

Ista Zahn
Graduate student
University of Rochester
Department of Clinical and Social Psychology

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